2011年2月20日 星期日

Personal pronoun "I"

Do you uderstand the usage of "I" in Japanese?
Refers to my Japanese textbook, they only shoe"わたし"
to explain the meaning of "I" and "me".
However, Japanese people use different personal pronouns to
present the word "I"  in the daily life.
It's because they want to present their social status and personal charactaristics.
Today, I'm going to give you some examples accordind from two interesting comics!!

★Different Personal Pronouns of "I"
Let's take a look of the picture from アニメ.マンガの日本語!!
  • Boy:僕(ぼく)
  • Girl:あたし
  • Scrapper:おれ
  • Samurai:拙者(せっしゃ)
  • Old man:わし
  • Butler:わたくし
  • Lady:わたし/わたくし
  • Osakan:わて/わし
★Example FromONE PIECE』(ワンピース)
One Piece is a Japanese famous shōnen manga series
written and illustrated by Eiichiro Oda.

Monkey D. Luffy (モンキー・D・ルフィ) and Nami(ナミ)
are two of the main charaters in the story.
☆Luffy uses "俺(おれ)"
Luffy is a very strong and  hot-blooded boy.
He loves  to make an exploration and received challenges.
So, he uses "おれ" to present himself.

☆Nami uses "わたし"
Nami is a beatiful woman in the comics.
Therefore, she uses "わたし" to present herself.

★Example FromGintama』(銀魂
Gintama is a Japanese manga written and illustrated by Hideaki Sorachi
 Gintoki Sakata (坂田銀時) uses "俺(おれ)"
In the comics, Gintoki is a Scrapper and his speaking is not vert polite. 
So, he uses "おれ"

Kagura (神楽) uses "私(わたし)"
Kagura is a pretty girl in the manga.
However, she uses "わたし" instead of "あたし".
It's because in the story, she always wants to become more ripe.

★Which Personal Pronoun I would Use?
I would like to use "わたし".
Since it is the most common personal pronoun in Japan^^

6 則留言:

  1. これ全部joeieさんの漫画ですか〜?いいですよね〜

  2. Nami is a beatiful woman in the comics.
    Therefore, she uses "わたし" to present herself

    This reasion is interesting XDDD

    I don't read one-piece for a long time...
    I hope I can read it again during sem break

  3. You shared a lot about manga which is very cool~! haha i also show the picture from アニメ.マンガ LOL

  4. Thanks for sharing Joeie san.
    Now i know that most of the beautiful women use わたし to represent themselves.

    I am quite jealous that you have so many comic book in japanese because last time I went to Sogo. and try to get one Japanese comic but it cost more than $100 HKD. So I didn't get it finally...hahaha it's too expensive for me.

  5. hahaha~ so with what everyone is saying, this means that Joeie will be using わたし, because she is a beautiful woman! WOW! now I have more reason to not use わたし and use おれ instead - I DON'T WANT TO BE A BEAUTIFUL DANCING BOY! XP

  6. Joeie-san,

    You must be a great manga-lover! You have watched so many manga! In fact, I originally wanted to read the two manga you have mentioned long long time ago, but they both consisted of so many episodes that I finally gave up!

    Thanks for your sharing :)
